Expatclic celebrates 14 years at the service of the global expat women community.
Our silent auction to raise funds to keep Expatclic going is over (see here all the nice products that have been bought) but we still have a little way to go to reach our annual target.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE any donation, even a small one, helps.
You can make your donation through PayPal (you DON’T need to have a PayPal account, you can pay with your credit card) or with a direct bank transfer:
Expatclic Italia, Via Coni Zugna 10 – 20144 Milano
Banca Popolare del Commercio e dell’Industria, sede di Via della Moscova, 33 – Milano
CODICE IBAN: IT61M0311101603000000012606
We greatly appreciate your support! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.