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My unconventional upbringing – Sanatani

Sanatani Rombola was born in Italy, in a religious community known as the Hare Krishnas. At the age of nine her father abducted her and moved them to India. She […]

Frate Beppe Prioli: Risvegliato dai lupi

Proprio quando, appena ventenne, Frate Beppe Prioli aveva preso i voti, lesse la notizia che un suo coetaneo era stato condannato all'ergastolo. Si mise subito in moto per visitarlo e […]

Kathi Silva: Living Abroad with Special Needs

Kathi Silva was born and raised in the U.S. but has been accompanying her husband on diplomatic postings around the world for the past 18 years. Along with the usual […]

Suad Amiry: RIWAQ, reclaiming space in Palestine

Today you are going to discover Suad Amiry’s work as an architect in Palestine. Mostly known as a writer, Suad Amiry is also the founder of RIWAQ, an organization engaged […]

Amanda Bates: The Black Expat

Amanda Bates is a Third Culture Kid who grew up in the United States and Cameroon.  Professionally, Amanda is a career strategist who helps individuals design the careers of their […]

Arianna Briganti: Una donna che aiuta altre donne

Arianna Briganti è italiana, ma pluriespatriata. Da anni si dedica a programmi di economia sostenibile e generativa, good governace giustizia di genere, lotta a corruzione e tratta di esseri umani. […]

Egidia Beretta: Mio figlio, ucciso a Gaza

Vittorio Arrigoni era un attivista, difensore dei diritti umani, giornalista, scrittore, e volontario per l’International Solidarity Movement nella Striscia di Gaza. La sua lotta a fianco dei più deboli l’aveva […]