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Laura Chula, A fashion social company and cultural hub in Hanoi

22/10/2022 @ 14:00 - 15:00

Spanish Laura Fontan Pardo (or Laura Chula) arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam seventeen years ago, with her husband Diego Cortizas. Together, they created a wonderful fashion social enterprise, which quickly became a well renowned cultural hub. For Diego and Laura fashion was the means to spread culture and to give work to disadvantaged people. When Diego suddenly died last year, Laura decided to stay on and continue the amazing and meaningful project they have created.

She will share the story of Chula Fashion and tell us what and how she keeps on today.


How to participate?

We ask for a donation (minimum 10 euros) to participate in this event. You can donate through Paypal (you don’t need a PayPal account; you can donate with your credit or debit card) at this link, or with a bank transfer at the following account: 

Expatclic Italia
BPER: Banca
IBAN: IT09E0538701615000042208372

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14:00 - 15:00
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