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This space is a further tool of support for our members to develop their careers and for you to find the right expert who can help you in your life abroad. Honorary members and members of the Expatclic team can post their services and offers here. All services, their structure, duration and cost, are the sole responsibility of the single professionals, who organise their offer in complete autonomy.


claudia landiniClaudia Landini is an intercultural trainer, cross-cultural and mobile career coach. For ten years she has been training families in their new destinations on cross-cultural dynamics; with her coaching programmes and her online courses, she has helped dozens of expats to successfully adjust to their new life and build healthy and happy careers.  Her website is: https://claudialandini.it and she coaches and trains in Italian, English, French and Spanish. Her next online course to build a portable career starts on 11th September 2017.



barbara-expertiseBarbara Amalberti is a counsellor specialized in difficulties related to migration. She has been living in Melbourne for more than 20 years, and in her work as counsellor she uses both her professional skills and her personal experience. she offers online sessions, using Skype, or at her Melbourne practice, in English or Italian Find out more on her website: https://www.migrantsforlove.com



moci-expertiseMoci Ferrada Reyes is a life coach who loves changes, starting over and looking at things from a positive perspective. In the last years she has worked to empower and support women in living a better life, especially embracing change. Recently, she focuses on helping people reach their goals, be happier and reframe the way they see life. She works mainly with Expatwomen and is presently involved in a project to support domestic workers. You can reach her at www.EmbraceChangeCoaching.com

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