Marionexpat shares with us a list of books and online support groups she finds very useful in dealing with children with special needs.
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‘The Out-of Sync Child’
Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A.
Published by The Berkley Publishing Group
ISBN: 0-399-52386-3
The book is about recognizing and dealing with sensory integration dysfunctions (SID). Children with SID are showing over- or under sensitivity to touch, taste, sound, sight and movements, high or low activity levels or problems with motor coordination. The author tries to explain in a compressed way how to diagnose, cope and treat a child with SID.
Building Healthy Minds
Stanley Greenspan, M.D
Published by Perseus Publishing
Stanley Greenspan explains the six milestones that are important for a child to develop his/her intellectual, emotional and moral potential as a little human being. This is a great book worth to be read by all parents.
The Child with Special Needs
Stanley Greenspan, M.D
Published by Perseus Publishing
ISBN: 0-201-40726-4
In this book Stanley Greenspan gives a comprehensive overview and approach for children with developmental challenges like autism, PDD, language and speech problems, Down Syndrome, CP, ADD and other related disorders. With a lot of examples and description of therapy sessions, it makes it easy for the reader to understand the therapy.
You Love Me!! …Don’t Accept Me As I Am
Reuven Feuerstein, Yaacov Rand and Raphael S.Feuersten
Published by ICELP Publications &the Company of the Enhancement of Mediated Learning Ltd.
ISBN: 965-7387-01-9
The book is a guide for parents with children with special needs and shows that these kids can perform cognitively much better. The book also shows parents what a long and hard way it is to move these kids forward.
An American based support group with a lot of information, chat room and exchange about any genetic disorder.
A British support group with very professional leaflets about any genetic disorder as well as chat room etc.
Both groups accept members from any part of the world and it is worth it!!!
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