Home > Art & Culture > Travels > My favourite spot in my host country

This photo, Tanneries, takes first prize in the third photo competition we launched before the summer. It was entered by Sylvie Lanier, a French woman living in Morocco. Besides being a high impact picture, it  captures the relationship between the author and her host country. Sylvie told us that there are no other places in Morocco that involve her like this: the smell, the voices, the colours, all create a unique atmosphere to which she longs to go back regularly.


my favourite spot

This photo, Theâtre de Gaspard, Genève, wins the second prize. It was entered by Marina Cavazza, an Italian photographer living in Geneva. It is a warm and intimate image. The jury particularly liked the fact that a child is also involved – when we live abroad, our children often become our channel for discovering and enjoying new places.


my favourite spot

The third prize goes to Tea on the ferry by Linda Caldwell, an American living in Istanbul. The jury loved the fact that Linda chose a “gastronomic” place. Indeed, as expats, many of our favourite places are linked to food and drink in our host country. In Turkey, Linda tells us, no matter where one is or what one is doing, tea is offered – and offered in thin-waisted tulip shaped glasses. It is certainly the national drink, is found everywhere, and fuels the country. It is a way to connect to people, to understand the culture, to seal a deal, to end a meal, and to take a moment in one’s hectic life. It is one of the things that I miss most when I am not in Turkey and a custom that I heartily embrace. This empty tea glass sitting on the window ledge of a commuter ferry pulling into the Beşiktaş landing is one I had just emptied on my relaxing way home – just like a real Türk!

Well done, everyone!

The team
October 2014

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