Home > Community > The Online Human Library of Expatclic

 This year, it will take place from 21st to 23rd October. Read on to find out what to expect and, if you wish, how to participate.


The Online Human Library that Expatclic organized last year as a fundraising event was a deeply moving experience for anyone who attended. 33 “human” books, that is, people in flesh and blood with a story to tell, followed one another on the screens for five intense days. An incredible opportunity for exciting listening, interacting with people from all over the world and with stories that are sometimes very different from each other.

The idea of ​​the Human Library was born almost thirty years ago in Denmark to give a voice to those who are victims of prejudice or discrimination. At Expatclic we wanted to expand the concept and invite protagonists of many different stories, with the common denominator of a life spent abroad or in some way in contact with different cultures.

We have thus heard stories from many parts of the world – Australia, Morocco, Italy, Peru, Germany, Belgium, Jerusalem, and many others -, and we have empathically connected with people like Egidia Beretta, mother of Vittorio Arrigoni, a human rights activist killed in the Gaza Strip, Luz Restrepo, a Colombian political refugee in Australia, where she founded a very beautiful project to help all migrant women to develop professionally, Kathi Silva, a serial expat from the US, mother of autistic twins, Stephanie Fuchs, a German married to a Maasai warrior, who lives with him and their son in Tanzania, Irina Lucidi, an Italian expat in Switzerland, where her husband stole her twin girls and made them disappear, before committing suicide.



And these are just some of the names that helped conveying an incredible human kaleidoscope of life situations. This year we will again invite you to the Online Human Library with the same intentions: in supporting Expatclic, we want to highlight its mission unchanged over time, to discover and enhance stories of contact with different cultures, and bring realities, which, in their diversity, are always inspiring and enriching. Because diversity is the true wealth of our world, and we are here to promote it.

We will again offer you a rich and intense program, to which you can contribute right now: if you know someone whose story you think fits well within the values ​​we promote, please let us know! You can write to our contact address, to Giulianaexpat or to Fedeexpat, who are at the forefront of the Online Human Library. And if you want to lend a hand by helping us to promote it, with the general organization and/or technical assistance, you are more than welcome. Organizing the event is as enriching as participating in it as a reader

We wait for you.

The team of Expatclic and WhatExpatsCanDo
June 2022

Since you are here...

...may we ask you to buy us a caffe ? We are joking of course, but there is something we would like to tell you. You might have noticed that Expatclic has no ads or paywall. For 19 years we have been working voluntarily to provide quality contents and support to expat women all over the world. However, keeping such a big website going has some costs, which we partially cover with team member’s fees and donations of those who appreciate us and wants our work to continue. If you could give even a tiny contribution to cover the rest, we would be immensely grateful ♥ You can support us with a small donation, even a small one. Thank you so very much.
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