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11/05/2022 @ 10:00 - 23:30

We are excited to invite you to the #IamRemarkable workshop that our dear friend Martina is offering to the Expatclic community.
Martina is a long-term expat, mum of two girls, currently living in Berlin; she has worked for several years as a Customer Service Trainer and is a certified #IamRemarkable facilitator.

In this session, you will develop the confidence to promote yourselves in the workplace and personal life, thereby breaking modesty norms and glass ceilings.

This program aims to:

1. Improve the motivation and self-promotion skills of women and underrepresented groups
2. Change social perceptions and refresh the conversation around self-promotion

We are conducting the first series of this workshop on Wednesday 11th May at 10:00am CET. The workshop will be facilitated in English through Zoom and last around 1.5 hours.
There is a limit of maximum 15 participants to the session.

Everybody welcome, write to contact@expactclic.com to participate.

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10:00 - 23:30
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